They were gone for some weeks and left us tasting their incredible song ”Is This America” as well as their first single “Tuned In (Antenna Up) but now that they’re back they come with strength enough to shake the entire 2020 US elections!

Yes, you read this right! Holy Smoke just released their newest song titled ”Stephen Colbert for President” (Title it’s awesome) and we’re more than hyped because the song, as well as the whole concept goes beyond the elections and the current state of the world.

We can see the intentions they have, they want to offer people a new and fun alternative to move away from all the negativity and insane situations millions and having to live through and to be honest, we love it!

From their legendary electric guitar techniques to the unique and incredible vocals experience grants to only few, “Stephen Colbert For President” has all the elements to become an anthem as well as their past 2 songs.

We want you to judge for yourself? Should Stephen Colbert jump in?