His new song “Pacific Coast Highway” sounds incredible!
What a great way to spice the day, to wrap it up, to feel achieved and ease the tensions with good music from an artist we love since the first day we listened to him. ”Pacific Coast Highway” is his new song and we’re thrilled by it!
Cali Summers has left us speechless once again with this song. Blending the Hip Hop scene with touches of Trap Music and his rap flow, we are mesmerised not only by his quality but also for how the song is built to be a master piece.
But who is him?
Cali Summers is an American Recording Artist from Southern California early on he used to record on webcam microphones and apple earphones headphones. He grew up sacrificing birthdays gifts for studio time to follow his passion by creating music until he could afford it on his own.
We’re shocked by how good this new single and the opportunities it will bring to the table for him. Be sure to leave a follow on Instagram and show some love on Youtube!
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